Blogs and News

This is where we collect our latest blogs and insights on different relevant topics on payroll, taxes and other subjects for you to read. If you have questions or suggestions on a topic than please contact us at Internago

  1. blogpost

    Mastering French Payroll: Partnering with Internago for Outsourcing Success

    May 24, 2024 ||

    Exploring the realm of French payroll can feel similar to navigating a labyrinth in the dark. While this analogy might seem dramatic, the…

  2. blogpost

    Fair Pay Across Europe: Exploring Minimum Wage Dynamics and Challenges

    May 23, 2024 ||

    As the European election campaign on June 9th gains momentum, discussions around minimum wage are taking centre stage. Advocates for a…

  3. blogpost

    A Guide to Registering as a Foreign Employer in Finland

    May 17, 2024 ||

    Are you considering expanding your business to Finland? With its vibrant economy and skilled workforce, Finland offers promising…

  4. blogpost

    The Swedish Model: A Guide to Parental Leave and Family Support

    May 10, 2024 ||

    In Sweden, family values run deep and progressive parental leave policies flourish. Join us on this journey as we explore how Sweden’s…

  5. blogpost

    Nurturing Families: Italy's Evolution in Parental Leave Policies

    May 01, 2024 ||

    As a company with deep roots in Swedish culture, we are inspired to uphold the values of inclusivity and support, particularly regarding…

  6. blogpost

    Empowering Families: A Deep Dive into Parental Leave and Reforms in France

    April 25, 2024 ||

    As a Swedish company with a fondness for progressive parental leave policies, it is essential to recognize advancements toward greater…

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